On a mission.....

going beyond what is expected of me!- Dawn Maglish

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

sometimes it's not easy

I have worked pretty hard spreading the word, sharing my dream, and finishing my education.  Now, what?  That is where I'm at.  I need to do fundraising to get my building. I would love to do a a huge event, but that takes money. If anyone has ideas, I'm game.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Trying to make sense of it all.

I have had a hard time deciding what is the next critical step to getting my non profit off the ground.  I talk to people all the time about the vision and dream to get the word out and get people interested. Lots of people are interested and want to help but I really don't have anything for them to help out with yet.  I contacted a realtor to find out how much the cost of a building would be so that I would know what to shoot for when fund raising.  After talking to him, he explained that a bank or loan company would want need to know that our organization would be worth investing in and that investors would have to put some money up front so that we would have something to show them.  So I got my answer.  I need to get busy finding investor who believe in me and my dream......not so small of a goal

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

what's next?

     I guess you would say, "Fund Raising".  But in order to do that we are putting together a presentation to share with possible donors.  By we I mean my fearless team, mainly my co-director Melissa Wood.  Everyone needs someone like her in their life.  Melissa is my encourager and someone with the same dreams, talents, and passions.  We have been working on our formal mission statement and vision.  It is not hard to come up with, but putting in fewer words is.  But Melissa and I have learned that when we bounce things off the computer keyboard it usually all works out!
      I do have to say that when you start a non profit you need plenty of people who believe in and support your vision and dream.  I found a few and I would like to share them with you.

1.  Mike, Sam and Abbie Maglish
They believe in me and the gifts God has given to me.  Sam and Abbie are so encouraging, Abbie once told me I was the best Hairist she knows.  None of this would be possible if Mike had not pushed me to dream beyond what I am at any one point.  He told do something I love.  Mike is on my board to give solid guidance for me.  He is very good at showing love in all circumstances.  He has been a youth minister for 13 years and knows how to make decisions even when its hard.

 2. David Apsley, is also on this board.  He is a very intelligent, an entrepreneur, and sucessful business man. He also loves the Lord and serving.  David heard about my dream and encouraged me. He told me he would be the first on my board.  I was surprised, to know other would believe in me too!
David, Grillex owner

3.  Melissa Wood, is my final board member.  She is a incredibly talented person. She is a hard worker who is dedicated to excellence in her work.  I have seen how she is dedicated to her relationship with Christ, it is inspiring.  I appreciate her, and her willingness to give of her time and talents for this dream.
Melissa and Vivenne MacKinder

I believe in this organization Inside Out, and the impact it can have on people.  I can't wait to see what is next!
Back to Fundraising.....We will be looking for donors to get a building and start the salon.  Donors can be any shape and size, businesses or individuals.   If you are looking to be apart of something of, come see us!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Love146 - The History

We could help so many
INside Out, Salon and Spa
use what we already spend our money on to help others

Friday, September 17, 2010

From the begining to being.........official!

It all starts with a dream and then acting on it!
I wanted to make my life mean something and live for a great cause. In it all glorify God. I had the idea to start a non profit salon. Most people I tell about it in the beauty industry give me a look of why or no way. The people around me love the idea and want to be a part of it.  Being a great stylist is my passion and to me is not about the money.  I wanted a career that I love to do and that would benefits others.  So INside OUT was my idea. 
It takes a lot of courage and drive more than anything.  I say this because it takes of yourself time, money and energy.  I want to write the steps that I have taken to get to where I am now and where I am going.  It may be a lot of rejection and heartache, but I believe in this dream and will work hard to see it come true.

Step 1.
Dream big and share your dream with others
  •         When your life is touched by a story of hurting people around you and in the world what do you do?  I had to ask myself this question when it happened to me.  I was reading a magazine, when I came upon an article about small children in Cambodia and Thailand that were being taken from their families and sold to men for sex. I began to cry.  The small children with beautiful little faces and big brown eyes, were empty and hurt.  You could feel there pain by looking at the pictures.  But what could I do, I am just a stay at home mom, with small children myself.  I tore the picture from the magazine and put it in my prayer book.  Why do things like this happen and who is going to help these small children?
  •      About a year later I was at the North American Christian Convention walking around and saw a booth. The booth had information about the children in Cambodia.  http://raphahouse.org  I took a prayer bracelet and continued to pray for this cause
  •      Another year later we had moved to Idaho after living in Indiana for 7 years, I was at a college for a spring session meeting.  I heard there was class about the Rapha House ministry so I decided to take it.  I learned how this organization bought the girls and gave them their lives back.  They taught them trades and like sewing and cosmetology so they could get their lives back and find work to support themselves.
This is where my idea came in!
I had been doing hair for fun in my home for years, and I loved it! I never thought I could make a living doing it or that I was that good at it.
When I heard about the children learning cosmetology, I thought, "I would love to teach them, and share the love of Jesus too! How awesome that would be!"

1st problem:  No license to practice in the US and my children are still young where do I find time to go to school.  :(
1st solution: my husband was also touched by the Cambodian children story, and encouraged my dream to get my cosmetology degree, and start my non profit salon.
2nd solution: My children became the age to be in school full day, so that I could go to school
Step 2.
  •     Finding a good school with great support in the industry
  •     Visit salons and talk to people in the industry
  •     Educate yourself beyond school
  •     find out more about your causes
  •     find people that will support you
  •     what do I do to become non profit?
Step 3:
I hired someone to help me file my Articles of Incorporation to become a non profit legally in the state, and file to get and Employee Identification Number, in order to start a bank account and raise funds.
Step 4:
This is where I am as of today.  I have just received my Articles of Incorporation, and EIN.  I am officially a non profit organization, INside OUT, Salon and Spa

I will start researching and filing for grants, out together a presentation to share with possible donors, get a realtor, look for property that is suitable for this org., and get our visions out to the community!

keep and eye out for more posts on how things are going and thanks for your support!
In Christ, Col. 3:23
Dawn Maglish
Future Professional, Paul Mitchell the School, Boise
CEO  INside OUT salon and spa, non profit   

Friday, July 30, 2010

Starting a Non-for-Profit

So its been on my heart for a long period of time to become a cosmetologist.  I never thought it would become a reality. Knowing that I can have a huge impact on peoples with my profession has fueled my passion for starting a non-for-profit salon.  My goal is to get my articles of incorporation together, a great business plan, plus find property! I know a lot to swallow but its gotta happen.
Having a place to help others by offering affordable services, is huge in this time of our economy. Also, people can feel good about giving their money because it will be used to help others. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

finding mentors 2

ok, well I have had some luck with finding mentors. As I have said before I believe that a mentor should be someone who not only has success at their careers or inspires you but they should live they way you would like to live.  I mean this in many ways, but mostly with ethics and convictions.  Our character develops who we are through what we believe, and shows who we are by how we behave.
    Wow, that was deep! Even for me.
While looking for mentors I have found that people who are willing to invest in you are few.  In this I mean, finding people to truly care how you will develop as a person in your personal and professional path and to help you stay on track as you develop your skill sets.
   I have had the pleasure of seeking out another wonderful mentor, that has offered her wisdom in the industry to help me fine tune mine, Ms. Debra Dietrich. She has proven to me to be someone who cares for others who are willing to better themselves and strive to be the best at what they do.  Ever since she has offered to be my mentor she has offered tons of knowledge and tips on how to better myself a hairstyle and make up.
I feel blessed and hope to be able to write more when I get back from my 3 day class with her.

oh well....

I love doing hair....it makes me feel alive to style, cut and color, and I love all the challenges that come with it.....oh the wonder of it all!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New York IBS

oh I love my life!  It has been awhile since I blogged, but......I have been so busy.  It has been a week ago today that I left for my journey to New York City, for the International Beauty Show, and my hands-on razor cutting class with Vivenne Mackinder.  I never imagined this adventure would be so exciting!  We arrived in the evening so seeing the city was kinda hard, but when landed at our hotel, wow!  The Hudson, was beautiful, thanks Priceline.
 We got settled, grabbed a bit to eat and got ready to tackle the subway, the next morning.    We got up and headed to the subway, to get a day pass and head to the Javits Center where the convention was being held.  We got off the subway a few streets early 42nd st. but when we made it to street level we were staring at Parson's school of fashion, that's right where they film Project Runway, but no Tim Gun or Heidi Klum anywhere.  We hoofed it the rest of the way to the convention about 6 city blocks.  When we got to the center our first stop was Main Stage
where the second guest was about to appear on stage, the Robert Cromean's salon.  They were so cool to watch.  After the show we walked around the convention to get a feel of things we were interested in and wanted to know about more the next day.   That night we went to Time Square, very cool but busy, a lot of shopping centers.   We ended to day back at the hotel, marveling at all we had accomplished that day!  The next morning we decided we needed to see Ground Zero before out hands on class.  We took the subway and headed down, what a marvel that anything is still standing. Following this we went to our class to be taught by the amazingly talented Vivenne Mackinder and her team.  It was way more than I hoped for, I learned so much.  I was so impressed.  One of Vivenne's team member's Daisy Duchens was a contestant on Sheer Genius one of my favorite reality shows.

  On our way to the subway that day we also saw a contestant     from cycle 2 of America's Next Top Model, April Wilkens.  It was so cool to be in a city with so many things to experience, I could so live there!
After out day at the convention we decide The Bread Factory pizza would be a great way to finish the day before heading to bed.  When we walked in and order I noticed a man at the table next to us, I told my friends he's famous, but I don't know his name, it was Jay O Sander. So cool to have these encounters.
The third day of the show was short and super crowd with Future professionals from all over the US.  We have a few appointments a some salons that I had called.  The first was the fabulous Garren NYC Salon. It was beautiful, and located at the Sherry-Netherland across from central park.  When we arrive Mr. Garren while working on a client took the time to come and meet us himself, I was awestruck.  Then we traveled to SoHo to Rare Salon by Ruth Roche.  A stylist Alana, showed us around and told us about the in and outs of the salon.  I am always amazed and feel blessed about the people that take the time out of there day to share what they do with someone trying to learn their trade.  NYC is a place I would love to be, hopefully my profession will bring me back there again soon!


never give up

I guess it really seems easy give up when things get hard or don't go your way.  I am not that kind of person.  Do I ever feel like giving up yes, I would be lying to say no.
When I am so tired from being a mom, wife, and student. Giving up my dreams of being a top hair stylist seem logically.  It is so much extra time and work, but I spend most of my day thinking about hair and make-up.  I sometimes dream of styles in my sleep.  So, when I'm not making school lunches early in the morning, or driving to church to teach a lesson or be a youth leader, or staying up late to spend time with my hubby.  The free time I have I find myself surfing the web researching styles and the stylist who are skilled in creating that style, and how they got to where they are. Then I find myself dreaming of days where I can sit doing hair and make-up for tireless hours knowing that the final product will be a photo of the amazing expression of what my heart dreamed up.  So to give up would let down who I am inside.
I love my family, my kids, and husband, but they see this about me, too.
  My son was in the shower today after I finished cutting his hair. I heard him singing a song about me, "my mom is the most amazing hair cutter, she makes me look good," he loved his new hair.  Crazy I know its not a published photo but for now knowing I have his support makes me feel so accomplished.  I want to make my family proud so all the study and research, hours of practicing doll heads and asking people to come and let me do their hair at school, yeah it's worth it.  I am going to be somebody someday, and in their eyes I already am and most importantly in God's eyes.
I am going to make and impact on the world by doing hair, so I will never give up!
It may take time to finish all I want to do but I will never give up.

Monday, March 29, 2010

life is life.....what I do with my time

I realized that this blogging stuff is very time consuming but therapeutic too.
Being a future professional is a lot of work and most people don't even realize how much goes into cosmetology school.  7 hours of school each day, along with book work, visiting salons, doing projects like hair shows, and and trying to find time for family and friends.  I guess you would say balance is key.  If you take some of things out of your life that stop you from being your best it becomes easy to balance. Examples: smoking, drinking, partying, and idol time hanging with friends. There are times when friends will ask me to go out after school or on a weekend, but we have school on Saturday and that takes a whole afternoon or evening away from my family.
   I feel so tired not even doing all the extra things.
I spend my extra time researching different  mentors, or sending e-mail.  I look up different new hair styles to try.  I look at different make up companies to see what new cosmetics are out.  My goals is to be well informed and well networked so that when I am able to be licensed and on my own I have the head knowledge and skill to back my talent.
      Today the practice was on dry fingerwaves.  right!  My daughter Abbie was so awesome and let me practice on her for 3 hours, and these were the results. I found a way to combine my love for hair with my love for my family! 

Thanks for all your help Abbie you are so beautiful

Monday, March 1, 2010

my goals and dreams

As long as I can remember I have been told to set goals and dream big!  I am not sure why people think that is such an easy thing to do.  Even in high school I found picking a college and a career path nearly impossible. I registered for college with an undecided major.  In my second year of college I settled with an associates degree in office management; it seemed enough to get a good job. I realized this was not for me, but what was I suppose to do? 
       I met one of  mentors about a year before I graduated college.  At this time I didn't realize this person would be such a driving force in my life.  He turned out to be my husband, Mike.  He believed in me before I believed in me.  We had a quick courting period and were married only months before graduation.  From the moment that I met him he encouraged me to dream big and set goals. This all sounded familiar but making it happen seemed impossible, especially because I was newly married.  I wanted to be a wife and a mom, those were my dreams, I didn't really have goals.  Those dreams quickly came true! I was only 20 years old when I got married, 22 when I had my first child (a boy), and at 24 I had my second and final baby (a girl). I felt like I had the perfect family. I was able to stay home and raise my children while working on being a loving wife and mother.  Still, my husband said, "The kids will grow up and leave.  What are your dreams and goals?"  I couldn't figure out why he kept asking me this question.  Even after 10 years of marriage and both kids in school he asked me this. 
     It wasn't until this year, both my kids being in school all day, that I really felt a void and understood what he meant by dreaming and setting goals.  I found myself in need of something to call my own; to have a purpose.  It clicked!
          I am a devoted christian.  A core part of my faith is serving others.  Partnering with others to this end has given me the opportunity to help people in different areas of the world on several occasions.  I have worked with so many people who have less.  It has made me grateful for what I have and the opportunities that have been given to me.  I feel an incredible need to give back in whatever I do, to help others who need help.  The end result?  Dreams and goals! I finally got it.  I finally understood and decided to start dreaming and setting goals!  Finally!
    This lead me back to what I really love.  I have always had a passion for fashion and doing hair.  When I was little, I would sit for hours and do my own hair as well as whomever else was lucky enough to be around.  But I never thought that I would make a living doing it.  That was all a dream.  Nothing more.  So when I was told to dream and set goals that is where my mind went.  That and to the passion I have to help people.  I feel that God lead me to putting the two together. 
     I have set the goal of completing cosmetology school this year.  However I do not feel simply completing school is a good enough goal.  I want to go far beyond it by meeting and personally learning from my mentors, attending beauty shows, taking extra classes, visiting salons, entering hairstyling competitions, and creating a professional portfolio.  All while taking care of myself in order to accomplish it all. 
     While I am work on my goals, I continue to dream!  Ultimately I would like to open a non-for-profit salon with the goal of raising money for people in need and creating an atmosphere where people can enjoy and renew themselves while supporting the needs of others. All in all, I feel like I have a lot on my plate but like going to my favorite restaurant and ordering whatever I want plus dessert.  Its worth it!
    I hope to be able to share with you all that is accomplished as I follow my dreams and try to meet all my goals!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who is Scissorboy? my mentor

Ok, so I was telling you about my mentors, but I didn't give you any names yet!  My first mentor that responded to one of my e-mails goes by the name of "Scissorboy."  I found Scissorboy on  the web while researching my mentors.  Scissorboy has a website that is a cutting edge educational site for cosmetologist.  Learning is what I love and do, so this site was so cool! http://www.scissorboy.com/
I was super impressed to say the least at what Scissorboy was accomplishing by interviewing these professional stylists. So I wanted to know more about him and how he got started in this type of business.
        First, I e-mailed Scissorboy. I asked questions for a few months. One of the main questions that I asked was to shadow him. (which means: on-site being a part of what he does and learning firsthand), of course this was on my dime! Never ask someone a favor and expect them to pay your way! Sometimes you have to spend to earn, and I was willing to take a chance for the experience.  To my surprise, he said he would be open to it. Shocked as can be and overwhelmed by this amazing opportunity, I began doing more research on what exactly I wanted to do when I finished my degree and how this opportunity would help in the field I choose, if I were to go. I had to ask myself, "Should I take him up on the offer to visit him at his work?."
          After being offered the opportunity to shadow Scissorboy, I took a chance and gave him my cell # and told him if he wanted to know more about me and my interest in the industry to call or text me. I wanted to let him know I was serious and this would be a learning experience for me. BTW Don't give a phone # or address out unless you have done your research, and know who you are giving it to. One day while at school I received a text it was Scissorboy, he was trying to call me. I was so excited! We had a conversation about where I came from, what I was about, and what were possibilities for me to come visit or help this amazing business.  A few days later, I received a e-mail about possibly going to Toronto,Ca to interview some stylists.  I had to be patience to see if this was all going to work out. If the opportunity presented itself I needed to be ready to leave even if it were last minute.                                           

Monday, February 22, 2010

Finding Mentors

This is a part of schooling that people either love or hate.  It's also the part that will show you how much you are willing to put into your career.  This applies not only a hairstylist but any field you decide to enter.  I believe that when you look for a mentor they shouldn't just be a person that does really cool things, or are famous for what they do.  Finding a mentor should really be a personal thing. It should be about your goals and looking forward to what you want in your career's future. You are looking to a mentor as a role model for your success and lifestyle. So here is what I did.  I started by setting personal goals.  Looking to where I wanted to be in 5, 10, and even 15 years.  Once I did that I realized that I was really drawn to editorial work and hairstyling for runway shows. 

starting out


I chose to go to a Paul Mitchell partner school. It has it's advantages and disadvantages.  One thing I love is my learning leaders and the administration of the school. They are very busy but for the most part really supportive. Another thing I enjoy is the overall theme and culture of the school. Be Nice or Else, is something we can all learn from. Cosmetology school is a lot of hard work! If you really want something in this industry you can't just wait around for someone to drop it in your lap! You have to be as we call it forward focused, and super proactive about hunting down what you want! In this blog its my goal to share my journey! There have been alot of restless nights and sore feet. Some of the rewards though have been amazing! I want to introduce you to some of my mentors, and people who have inspired me to be what I want to be. Also, to my support system of friends and family, which are critical! thanks for reading and being apart of my experience as a future professional