On a mission.....

going beyond what is expected of me!- Dawn Maglish

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New York IBS

oh I love my life!  It has been awhile since I blogged, but......I have been so busy.  It has been a week ago today that I left for my journey to New York City, for the International Beauty Show, and my hands-on razor cutting class with Vivenne Mackinder.  I never imagined this adventure would be so exciting!  We arrived in the evening so seeing the city was kinda hard, but when landed at our hotel, wow!  The Hudson, was beautiful, thanks Priceline.
 We got settled, grabbed a bit to eat and got ready to tackle the subway, the next morning.    We got up and headed to the subway, to get a day pass and head to the Javits Center where the convention was being held.  We got off the subway a few streets early 42nd st. but when we made it to street level we were staring at Parson's school of fashion, that's right where they film Project Runway, but no Tim Gun or Heidi Klum anywhere.  We hoofed it the rest of the way to the convention about 6 city blocks.  When we got to the center our first stop was Main Stage
where the second guest was about to appear on stage, the Robert Cromean's salon.  They were so cool to watch.  After the show we walked around the convention to get a feel of things we were interested in and wanted to know about more the next day.   That night we went to Time Square, very cool but busy, a lot of shopping centers.   We ended to day back at the hotel, marveling at all we had accomplished that day!  The next morning we decided we needed to see Ground Zero before out hands on class.  We took the subway and headed down, what a marvel that anything is still standing. Following this we went to our class to be taught by the amazingly talented Vivenne Mackinder and her team.  It was way more than I hoped for, I learned so much.  I was so impressed.  One of Vivenne's team member's Daisy Duchens was a contestant on Sheer Genius one of my favorite reality shows.

  On our way to the subway that day we also saw a contestant     from cycle 2 of America's Next Top Model, April Wilkens.  It was so cool to be in a city with so many things to experience, I could so live there!
After out day at the convention we decide The Bread Factory pizza would be a great way to finish the day before heading to bed.  When we walked in and order I noticed a man at the table next to us, I told my friends he's famous, but I don't know his name, it was Jay O Sander. So cool to have these encounters.
The third day of the show was short and super crowd with Future professionals from all over the US.  We have a few appointments a some salons that I had called.  The first was the fabulous Garren NYC Salon. It was beautiful, and located at the Sherry-Netherland across from central park.  When we arrive Mr. Garren while working on a client took the time to come and meet us himself, I was awestruck.  Then we traveled to SoHo to Rare Salon by Ruth Roche.  A stylist Alana, showed us around and told us about the in and outs of the salon.  I am always amazed and feel blessed about the people that take the time out of there day to share what they do with someone trying to learn their trade.  NYC is a place I would love to be, hopefully my profession will bring me back there again soon!


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