On a mission.....

going beyond what is expected of me!- Dawn Maglish

Monday, March 1, 2010

my goals and dreams

As long as I can remember I have been told to set goals and dream big!  I am not sure why people think that is such an easy thing to do.  Even in high school I found picking a college and a career path nearly impossible. I registered for college with an undecided major.  In my second year of college I settled with an associates degree in office management; it seemed enough to get a good job. I realized this was not for me, but what was I suppose to do? 
       I met one of  mentors about a year before I graduated college.  At this time I didn't realize this person would be such a driving force in my life.  He turned out to be my husband, Mike.  He believed in me before I believed in me.  We had a quick courting period and were married only months before graduation.  From the moment that I met him he encouraged me to dream big and set goals. This all sounded familiar but making it happen seemed impossible, especially because I was newly married.  I wanted to be a wife and a mom, those were my dreams, I didn't really have goals.  Those dreams quickly came true! I was only 20 years old when I got married, 22 when I had my first child (a boy), and at 24 I had my second and final baby (a girl). I felt like I had the perfect family. I was able to stay home and raise my children while working on being a loving wife and mother.  Still, my husband said, "The kids will grow up and leave.  What are your dreams and goals?"  I couldn't figure out why he kept asking me this question.  Even after 10 years of marriage and both kids in school he asked me this. 
     It wasn't until this year, both my kids being in school all day, that I really felt a void and understood what he meant by dreaming and setting goals.  I found myself in need of something to call my own; to have a purpose.  It clicked!
          I am a devoted christian.  A core part of my faith is serving others.  Partnering with others to this end has given me the opportunity to help people in different areas of the world on several occasions.  I have worked with so many people who have less.  It has made me grateful for what I have and the opportunities that have been given to me.  I feel an incredible need to give back in whatever I do, to help others who need help.  The end result?  Dreams and goals! I finally got it.  I finally understood and decided to start dreaming and setting goals!  Finally!
    This lead me back to what I really love.  I have always had a passion for fashion and doing hair.  When I was little, I would sit for hours and do my own hair as well as whomever else was lucky enough to be around.  But I never thought that I would make a living doing it.  That was all a dream.  Nothing more.  So when I was told to dream and set goals that is where my mind went.  That and to the passion I have to help people.  I feel that God lead me to putting the two together. 
     I have set the goal of completing cosmetology school this year.  However I do not feel simply completing school is a good enough goal.  I want to go far beyond it by meeting and personally learning from my mentors, attending beauty shows, taking extra classes, visiting salons, entering hairstyling competitions, and creating a professional portfolio.  All while taking care of myself in order to accomplish it all. 
     While I am work on my goals, I continue to dream!  Ultimately I would like to open a non-for-profit salon with the goal of raising money for people in need and creating an atmosphere where people can enjoy and renew themselves while supporting the needs of others. All in all, I feel like I have a lot on my plate but like going to my favorite restaurant and ordering whatever I want plus dessert.  Its worth it!
    I hope to be able to share with you all that is accomplished as I follow my dreams and try to meet all my goals!

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