On a mission.....

going beyond what is expected of me!- Dawn Maglish

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

what's next?

     I guess you would say, "Fund Raising".  But in order to do that we are putting together a presentation to share with possible donors.  By we I mean my fearless team, mainly my co-director Melissa Wood.  Everyone needs someone like her in their life.  Melissa is my encourager and someone with the same dreams, talents, and passions.  We have been working on our formal mission statement and vision.  It is not hard to come up with, but putting in fewer words is.  But Melissa and I have learned that when we bounce things off the computer keyboard it usually all works out!
      I do have to say that when you start a non profit you need plenty of people who believe in and support your vision and dream.  I found a few and I would like to share them with you.

1.  Mike, Sam and Abbie Maglish
They believe in me and the gifts God has given to me.  Sam and Abbie are so encouraging, Abbie once told me I was the best Hairist she knows.  None of this would be possible if Mike had not pushed me to dream beyond what I am at any one point.  He told do something I love.  Mike is on my board to give solid guidance for me.  He is very good at showing love in all circumstances.  He has been a youth minister for 13 years and knows how to make decisions even when its hard.

 2. David Apsley, is also on this board.  He is a very intelligent, an entrepreneur, and sucessful business man. He also loves the Lord and serving.  David heard about my dream and encouraged me. He told me he would be the first on my board.  I was surprised, to know other would believe in me too!
David, Grillex owner

3.  Melissa Wood, is my final board member.  She is a incredibly talented person. She is a hard worker who is dedicated to excellence in her work.  I have seen how she is dedicated to her relationship with Christ, it is inspiring.  I appreciate her, and her willingness to give of her time and talents for this dream.
Melissa and Vivenne MacKinder

I believe in this organization Inside Out, and the impact it can have on people.  I can't wait to see what is next!
Back to Fundraising.....We will be looking for donors to get a building and start the salon.  Donors can be any shape and size, businesses or individuals.   If you are looking to be apart of something of, come see us!

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