On a mission.....

going beyond what is expected of me!- Dawn Maglish

Monday, February 22, 2010

Finding Mentors

This is a part of schooling that people either love or hate.  It's also the part that will show you how much you are willing to put into your career.  This applies not only a hairstylist but any field you decide to enter.  I believe that when you look for a mentor they shouldn't just be a person that does really cool things, or are famous for what they do.  Finding a mentor should really be a personal thing. It should be about your goals and looking forward to what you want in your career's future. You are looking to a mentor as a role model for your success and lifestyle. So here is what I did.  I started by setting personal goals.  Looking to where I wanted to be in 5, 10, and even 15 years.  Once I did that I realized that I was really drawn to editorial work and hairstyling for runway shows. 
But I really didn't know how, you get started in this type of work, I'm a small town girl. Luckily, for me one of the benefits of the school I go to is that they ask us to make a mentor profile. So, I started researching, on-line, magazines, and watching TV shows.  Once I found something that appealed to me, I research the person and their field of expertise. Now, you see I learn by seeing and doing, so one way I wanted to learn about the character of the people I was going to be emulating was to meet them in person. Right? Well, it made sense to me! So I started by looking at the small print on everything, literally! at the bottom of web pages, creases of magazines, credits on shows (it works!) Once I found an e-mail or address, I contacted the person to tell them they inspired me. So was I really expecting response, NO, but if they were the type of people I expected them to be and wanted to be like they would. And they did! crazy huh?  So, that is it for now, I will little by little tell you the crazy journeys I have taken to meet my mentors. I call them journeys some people say I'm stalking but not really I just admire people! lol

Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter are good ways to talk to your mentors or follow them!

Life verse: Col. 3:23 "whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not men."

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