On a mission.....

going beyond what is expected of me!- Dawn Maglish

Friday, September 17, 2010

From the begining to being.........official!

It all starts with a dream and then acting on it!
I wanted to make my life mean something and live for a great cause. In it all glorify God. I had the idea to start a non profit salon. Most people I tell about it in the beauty industry give me a look of why or no way. The people around me love the idea and want to be a part of it.  Being a great stylist is my passion and to me is not about the money.  I wanted a career that I love to do and that would benefits others.  So INside OUT was my idea. 
It takes a lot of courage and drive more than anything.  I say this because it takes of yourself time, money and energy.  I want to write the steps that I have taken to get to where I am now and where I am going.  It may be a lot of rejection and heartache, but I believe in this dream and will work hard to see it come true.

Step 1.
Dream big and share your dream with others
  •         When your life is touched by a story of hurting people around you and in the world what do you do?  I had to ask myself this question when it happened to me.  I was reading a magazine, when I came upon an article about small children in Cambodia and Thailand that were being taken from their families and sold to men for sex. I began to cry.  The small children with beautiful little faces and big brown eyes, were empty and hurt.  You could feel there pain by looking at the pictures.  But what could I do, I am just a stay at home mom, with small children myself.  I tore the picture from the magazine and put it in my prayer book.  Why do things like this happen and who is going to help these small children?
  •      About a year later I was at the North American Christian Convention walking around and saw a booth. The booth had information about the children in Cambodia.  http://raphahouse.org  I took a prayer bracelet and continued to pray for this cause
  •      Another year later we had moved to Idaho after living in Indiana for 7 years, I was at a college for a spring session meeting.  I heard there was class about the Rapha House ministry so I decided to take it.  I learned how this organization bought the girls and gave them their lives back.  They taught them trades and like sewing and cosmetology so they could get their lives back and find work to support themselves.
This is where my idea came in!
I had been doing hair for fun in my home for years, and I loved it! I never thought I could make a living doing it or that I was that good at it.
When I heard about the children learning cosmetology, I thought, "I would love to teach them, and share the love of Jesus too! How awesome that would be!"

1st problem:  No license to practice in the US and my children are still young where do I find time to go to school.  :(
1st solution: my husband was also touched by the Cambodian children story, and encouraged my dream to get my cosmetology degree, and start my non profit salon.
2nd solution: My children became the age to be in school full day, so that I could go to school
Step 2.
  •     Finding a good school with great support in the industry
  •     Visit salons and talk to people in the industry
  •     Educate yourself beyond school
  •     find out more about your causes
  •     find people that will support you
  •     what do I do to become non profit?
Step 3:
I hired someone to help me file my Articles of Incorporation to become a non profit legally in the state, and file to get and Employee Identification Number, in order to start a bank account and raise funds.
Step 4:
This is where I am as of today.  I have just received my Articles of Incorporation, and EIN.  I am officially a non profit organization, INside OUT, Salon and Spa

I will start researching and filing for grants, out together a presentation to share with possible donors, get a realtor, look for property that is suitable for this org., and get our visions out to the community!

keep and eye out for more posts on how things are going and thanks for your support!
In Christ, Col. 3:23
Dawn Maglish
Future Professional, Paul Mitchell the School, Boise
CEO  INside OUT salon and spa, non profit   

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