On a mission.....

going beyond what is expected of me!- Dawn Maglish

Monday, October 17, 2011

My journey Begins

My prayer this morning: 14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
 Eph. 3-14-21
God has blessed my life richly, I am an unworthy person whom He has chosen to bless, and use for His will.  Yet, I am thankful!  There has been many times over the last year that I look up and said, "Are you sure Lord."
But God doesn't play games, and is always sure in what He does.  The God who made the universe is making a salon with His hands through His people!  I walked in the salon last night to workers who have His face and asked they asked me what I would like to see! That is crazy that God asked me to share my heart in His vision!  A small little salon in downtown Eagle, Idaho has a huge purpose on the other side of the world and in the hearts of those who come through our doors.  In Thailand I pray that God will show us why this little salon was built to change lives of my brothers and sisters who the world has hurt but can be healed by a loving touch.  
     When I was little my parents would go out for the evening and take my brother and I up the road to my grandparent’s house for the night. My grandparents are inspiration to me in many ways, but mostly because of the love that they have shown me. While at their house we did normal ordinary things, ate dinner, played games, were given treats, but when I would get bored my Grandpa Wayne would ask me to do his hair.  I know sounds crazy but this man would pay me a quarter so I was ready!  I would go to the bathroom and get a comb.  I would go to the kitchen and get a cup of water, then return to my client for his service.  I would ask, "Sir, what would like done today? You have can have a haircut, wash and style, or a perm."  Of course, my grandfather wanted it all!  So, I would stand there behind his big brown leather recliner, and perform my client’s service, until it was satisfactory!  Then being a 5-year-old little girl I was playing barbershop.  But now I can see what an impact the power of positive touch can have on a person, because soon after start those services on my client, Grandpa Wayne would be snoring and I would be giggling.  Doing hair is not just about a job or money, a haircut or covering grays.  To me it gives a loving touch, self-esteem, and dignity to the client, which I call friend.  This little salon in Eagle, Idaho, (INside OUT Salon) is something that God showed me in my childhood could change the way someone feels.  I pray as this journey that God has blessed with will be shared with many and lives will be changed.  When people sit in a salon chair at INside OUT, they will feel the hand of God making them feel loved and beautiful. We are His and our beauty and worth comes from Him from the INside OUT!
Serving Him INside OUT,
Col 3:23

Sunday, September 25, 2011

non compete

When it comes to a contract, I have learned to read the contract with a fine tooth comb.  No matter what your job is.  A non compete is a very hard to enforce clause in a contract.  But can be non the less a huge hassel in you career. By definition: non-compete- is a term used in contract law under which one party (usually an employee) agrees not to pursue a similar profession or trade in competition against another party (usually the employer)
I had a contract with my former landlord and the non compete was for not work with in 1 mile of my previous place of employment for 1 year after my resignation.  However, I am not an actual employee of the establishment, I am a tenant, so if the non compete is to be enforced, you have to ask for what reason?  A previous co-worker decided to work within the non-compete and was taken to small claims court.  This is intimidating yet mediators at the hearing, informed both sides that a non-compete was not a case for small claims and the money invested in a higher court lawsuit would not be worth the money.  Do your research seek legal counsel and do not sign a contract til you are for sure you want to work there!!!  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

when God moves

It has been several months since I last posted.   I need to make it more of a habit!  Well, I have been working very hard building my clientele for my non profit Inside OUT!  Since January 15th when I first started as a licensed stylist to now I have 141 amazing clients

I have partnered with Destiny Rescue an amazing organization that helps prevent child trafficking.

I did my first major event to raise funds it was amazing success. I event gave a short speech.

I am working on an event with the Caldwell Police Dept. to work with under privilege girls in Caldwell, who need to be rewarded for their awesomeness despite adversity! lol

Life is good, and God is amazing!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

sometimes it's not easy

I have worked pretty hard spreading the word, sharing my dream, and finishing my education.  Now, what?  That is where I'm at.  I need to do fundraising to get my building. I would love to do a a huge event, but that takes money. If anyone has ideas, I'm game.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Trying to make sense of it all.

I have had a hard time deciding what is the next critical step to getting my non profit off the ground.  I talk to people all the time about the vision and dream to get the word out and get people interested. Lots of people are interested and want to help but I really don't have anything for them to help out with yet.  I contacted a realtor to find out how much the cost of a building would be so that I would know what to shoot for when fund raising.  After talking to him, he explained that a bank or loan company would want need to know that our organization would be worth investing in and that investors would have to put some money up front so that we would have something to show them.  So I got my answer.  I need to get busy finding investor who believe in me and my dream......not so small of a goal

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

what's next?

     I guess you would say, "Fund Raising".  But in order to do that we are putting together a presentation to share with possible donors.  By we I mean my fearless team, mainly my co-director Melissa Wood.  Everyone needs someone like her in their life.  Melissa is my encourager and someone with the same dreams, talents, and passions.  We have been working on our formal mission statement and vision.  It is not hard to come up with, but putting in fewer words is.  But Melissa and I have learned that when we bounce things off the computer keyboard it usually all works out!
      I do have to say that when you start a non profit you need plenty of people who believe in and support your vision and dream.  I found a few and I would like to share them with you.

1.  Mike, Sam and Abbie Maglish
They believe in me and the gifts God has given to me.  Sam and Abbie are so encouraging, Abbie once told me I was the best Hairist she knows.  None of this would be possible if Mike had not pushed me to dream beyond what I am at any one point.  He told do something I love.  Mike is on my board to give solid guidance for me.  He is very good at showing love in all circumstances.  He has been a youth minister for 13 years and knows how to make decisions even when its hard.

 2. David Apsley, is also on this board.  He is a very intelligent, an entrepreneur, and sucessful business man. He also loves the Lord and serving.  David heard about my dream and encouraged me. He told me he would be the first on my board.  I was surprised, to know other would believe in me too!
David, Grillex owner

3.  Melissa Wood, is my final board member.  She is a incredibly talented person. She is a hard worker who is dedicated to excellence in her work.  I have seen how she is dedicated to her relationship with Christ, it is inspiring.  I appreciate her, and her willingness to give of her time and talents for this dream.
Melissa and Vivenne MacKinder

I believe in this organization Inside Out, and the impact it can have on people.  I can't wait to see what is next!
Back to Fundraising.....We will be looking for donors to get a building and start the salon.  Donors can be any shape and size, businesses or individuals.   If you are looking to be apart of something of, come see us!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Love146 - The History

We could help so many
INside Out, Salon and Spa
use what we already spend our money on to help others